Theme Documentation

Pomana - Lottery & Giveaways WordPress Theme

Pomana is a theme for lottery passionates. It is a highly customizable theme (using our ThemePanel) to make a beautiful wordpress site for giveaways, lotteries or other games. Powered by WP Bakery Page Builder, you can develop beautiful pages in a short time.

Pomana Key Features

ID Feature Name Description For
1 User Registration & Login Easy user registration and login for new users Customers
2 User Account The user can see the lotteries they participate in Customers
3 Two-Factor Authentication Enable two-factor authentication for secure logins (addon) Customers, Site Owners
4 Standard Lottery Standard lotteries where the lottery has a price Customers
5 Lottery History Lottery history listed on the single lottery page Customers
6 Custom Lottery Categories Create custom auction categories for easier browsing Customers, Site Owners
7 Lottery Countdown Timer Real-time countdown timer showing time left in the lottery Customers
8 Secure Payment Gateway Integrate with secure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, etc. Site Owners
9 Shipping Management Admin can manage shipping options and costs for products (you can also sell normal products) Site Owners
10 Multi-Language Support Provide support for multiple languages on the platform(WPML, Loco Translate) Customers, Site Owners
11 Advanced Sorting The option to sort lotteries by different criteria on the shop page Site Owners
12 User Ratings & Reviews Customers can leave feedback and rate the lotteries Customers
13 Admin Dashboard Comprehensive admin dashboard for managing the lottery site Site Owners
14 Auto-Relisting Automatically relist unsold items after the lottery ends Site Owners
15 Featured Listings Offer the ability to promote your listings as "Featured" Site Owners
16 Site Branding Customization Allow admins to customize the website branding, including colors and logos Site Owners
17 SEO Optimization Optimize auction listings for better search engine visibility Site Owners
18 Mobile Responsiveness Fully responsive platform optimized for mobile devices Customers, Site Owners
19 Import/Export Data Allow admin to import/export lottery data in bulk (import users, orders, letteries, articles, etc) Site Owners
20 One Click Demo Install Use our demo importer for a quick lottery website start Site Owners
21 Well documented The theme comes with online and offline documentation Site Owners
22 Nice Headers Perfect designed header for lottery and competition sites Site Owners
23 Lottery winners Define the number of lottery winners – 1 or more Site Owners
24 Finished lottery Option to instantly finish the lottery if the maximum number of tickets was sold Site Owners
25 Refund System Option to refund tickets with a single click if the lottery has failed Customers
26 Number of tickets Define the minimum and maximum number of tickets available Site Owners
27 Customizable Email Templates Email notifications (with editable templates) for lottery win, fail, finish, no luck, lottery fail for customers, lottery extended Site Owners
28 Filtering Lottery filtering in product list (wp-admin) Site Owners
29 Manually delete tickets Manually delete any ticket via WooCommerce order management – deleting the order deletes the ticket Site Owners
30 Multilingual WPML and Loco Translate, for translating the website Site Owners
31 Car Lotteries Demo Create sites for cars lotteries and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
32 Electronics Giveaways Demo Create sites for electronics lotteries and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
33 Game Keys Competitions Demo Create sites for game keys and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
34 Clothing Giveaways Demo Create sites for clothing giveaways and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
35 Dream House Competitions Demo Create sites for house lotteries and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
36 Jewelry Giveaways Demo Create sites for jewelry lotteries and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
37 National Lottery Demo Create sites for national lotteries and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
38 NFT Giveaway Demo Create sites for NFTs lotteries and competitions (Demo) Site Owners
39 Blog Page The page where you can list all your created blog posts. Site Owners
40 Sigle Article The post page that the site owner can create. Site Owners
41 Checkout Page The page where the user can complete the order they made on the site. Customers
42 Cart Page The page where the user can add products to the cart in order to purchase them. Customers
43 Winners List The page where the winners of the lotteries on the site will be listed. Customers, Site Owners
44 Simple Product Page The page of a simple product that only the owner of the site can create. Site Owners
45 Simple Lottery Page The page of a simple lottery that only the owner of the site can create. Site Owners
46 About Page The page where you can display information about the site. (WINNERS, PRIZES, RAISED) Site Owners
47 Contact Demo The page where you can display contact information (phone number, email address, location, etc.). Site Owners
48 Winners Benefits Page The page where you can display the benefits that a winner can have from your site. Site Owners
49 Shop Page The page where you can display the products/lotteries from your site. Site Owners
50 Wishlist Page The page where you can add your favorite lotteries. Customers

Install WordPress

That's it! WordPress should now be installed.

Theme Installation in WordPress

The first option on how to install this Theme would be to directly upload the file via WordPress Theme Uploader.

If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this Tutorial by Envato

Theme Installation via FTP

The second option on how to install our Theme would be the upload via FTP manager. It really doesn't matter which of the two ways you choose, just choose the one you feel more comfortable with.

If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this Tutorial by Envato

Install & Setup Plugins

So at this stage you have probably noticed a warning, asking you to install recommended plugins. This is needed to get the Theme Panel plugin and a few other plugins for the theme to work perfectly. Installing that is very simple, you just need to click Begin installing plugins and you will be redirected to the plugin installation page where you can install any Plugin you want or you need.

NOTE:We advise before going on with the demo import, to check the WooCommerce settings and disable users from placing orders without an account. This is an major issue when used with the WooCommerce Lottery plugin and it might result on not working properly. We recommend on disabling this setting and re-activating the WooCommerce Lottery plugin.


Import Demo Data

Theme Activator added in order to import demo data (theme panel tab).

Theme License Activation

Important: New Theme Activator added in order to import demo data (theme panel tab). New "Demo_Data" folder from the package has been removed. Only automatic demo import will be used starting with this update. In case the automatic demo importer has issues on your installation, please contact our help team to provide the offline files for demo import.

Read the following tutorial to learn all the things about the new activator/license manager: License Manager introduced in our themes

Available Lottery Demos

# Preview Demo Name Builder Compatibility Live Demo
1 Lottery theme demo: Main Demo Main Demo WPBakery Elementor Live Preview
2 Lottery theme demo: Electronics Giveaways Electronics Giveaways WPBakery Elementor Live Preview
3 Lottery theme demo: Game Keys Competitions Game Keys Competitions WPBakery Elementor Live Preview
4 Lottery theme demo: Clothing Giveaways Clothing Giveaways WPBakery Elementor Live Preview
5 Lottery theme demo: Dream House Competitions Dream House Competitions WPBakery Elementor Live Preview
6 Lottery theme demo: Jewelry Giveaways Jewelry Giveaways WPBakery Elementor Live Preview
7 Lottery theme demo: National Lottery National Lottery WPBakery Elementor Live Preview
8 Lottery theme demo: Pomana NFT Pomana NFT WPBakery Elementor Live Preview

Import Demo Data

This theme comes with an amazing built-in feature: One-Click-Install -> Possibility to import demo data of the theme with one click only, and make your site look 1:1 with our demo.

Sounds cool? How can I install the demo?

Go to your Theme Panel -> Demo Importer

Theme Panel

If you want to change the general Options of the Theme, go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard Area to Pomana Theme Panel. Here you have a tabbed Navigation where you can change a lot of Options of your new Theme:

Feature: Page Preloader

Option Type: Theme Panel Option - To access this option and add new custom css to your website go to Theme Panel(General Settings Tab)

Feature: Typography Settings

Option Type: Theme Panel Option - To access this option and add new custom css to your website go to Theme Panel(Styling Settings Tab)

Entire list of fonts can be checked here:;

Feature: Page/Post Metaboxes

Option Type: Page/Post Metaboxes(not theme panel options) - To deal with these options, when editing a post/page you will get a set of options as follows:

Custom Header Options

General Page Options

Custom Footer Options


WooCommerce Lotteries

With Pomana theme, admins can post lotteries from the WordPress admin dashboard:



WooCommerce Lotteries Questions

With Pomana theme, admins can post lotteries questions from the WordPress admin dashboard:



Tickets & Instant Win (Added with Pomana theme version 1.9.4)

By activating your theme, the Pomana Tickets Addon plugin will be available for download and install. Check the Appearance > Install Plugins tab and you will find the plugin ready to be added to your website.

Key Features:

  • Allow Tickets - Enable this checkbox to start adding ticket numbers to the lottery entries. This will open up to next set of features;
  • Enable Manual Winner? - Enable this checkbox if you want to disable automatic pick winner. Once the lottery has ended, based on the number of winners for this lottery, a new field will be displayed where you can state the winning ticket number;
  • Allow Instant Wins? - Enable this checkbox in order to add Instant Win ticket numbers. Add as many wins by checking the Add Instant Number button;

Tickets Page

This page will automatically be created when the plugin is activated and can be found by checking your Pages for "Tickets" . The main role of this page is to display the lotteries that have the "Allow Tickets" option checked, with a table for ticket numbers, order ID, date and user for a easier search.


Random Ticket Picker

Added "Random Ticket Picker" tab for administrator in he single product page. It represents a list with the current ticket numbers and a random generator that picks a ticket number (similar with;



Multi Vendors (WCFM & Dokan)

With Pomana theme, we've introduced access to website owners to accept sellers and post lotteries on their behalf. The theme supports the following multi-vendor plugins:

WCFM Lottery creation:

Apply to become a vendor, access the WCFM Dashboard:


Now, go to Products and select Lottery


Scroll down to see the Lottery Settings Panel:


Fill in the lottery details and you are good to go.

Dokan Lottery creation:

Apply to become a vendor, access the Dokan Dashboard:

dokan woocommerce lottery

Now, go to Dashboard -> Products and select Lottery

dokan woocommerce lottery

A popup will open - to add a new product/lottery. Fill in the summary details such as (Name and Price) which are required and click Create Product:

dokan woocommerce lottery

You will be redirected to a page to fill in all the details of the lottery:

dokan woocommerce lottery

Fill in the lottery details and you are good to go.

Theme Support

You get free 6 month support with this item. If you need some help or found a bug or issue with the theme, you can always contact us here via email and we will respond to you within 1 day.

If you want to send us a message with an issue or a questions, you can reach us at Ticksy to submit a ticket.

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