Cryptic is the perfect fit for both novices and experts of the cryptocurrency exchange market, and it is sure to become your go-to when it comes to Cryptocurrency Investments and ICO Agencies WordPress themes.
1. Download and unzip the WordPress package if you haven't already.
2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL (or MariaDB) user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
3. (Optional) Find and rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, then edit the file (see Editing wp-config.php) and add your database information.
4. Upload the WordPress files to the desired location on your web server:
If you want to integrate WordPress into the root of your domain (e.g., move or upload all contents of the unzipped WordPress directory (excluding the WordPress directory itself) into the root directory of your web server.
If you want to have your WordPress installation in its own subdirectory on your website (e.g., create the blog directory on your server and upload the contents of the unzipped WordPress package to the directory via FTP.
Note: If your FTP client has an option to convert file names to lower case, make sure it's disabled.
5. Run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in a web browser. This should be the URL where you uploaded the WordPress files.
If you installed WordPress in the root directory, you should visit:
If you installed WordPress in its own subdirectory called blog, for example, you should visit:
That's it! WordPress should now be installed.
Theme Installation WordPress
The first option on how to install this Theme would be to directly upload the file via WordPress Theme Uploader.
Log into your WordPress dashboard
Navigate to Appearance > Themes
Click Install Themes
Click Upload
Now you just need to find the "" file in the cryptic_package/theme folder and hit Install now.
If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this Tutorial by Envato
Theme Installation via FTP
The second option on how to install our Theme would be the upload via FTP manager. It really doesn't matter which of the two ways you choose, just choose the one you feel more comfortable with.
1. Login to your FTP account and navigate to your WordPress Installation directory
2. Navigate to the folder /wp-content/themes/
3. Upload the "cryptic" folder (not the .zip-file). This is the folder located inside the cryptic_package/theme/ folder in the zip-file you've downloaded from Themeforest.
4. Now log into your WordPress backend
5. Navigate to Appearance > Themes
6. Find the Theme and click Activate
If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this Tutorial by Envato
Install & Setup Plugins
So at this stage you have probably noticed a warning, asking you to install recommended plugins. This is needed to get the Theme Panel plugin and a few other plugins for the theme to work perfectly. Installing that is very simple, you just need to click Begin installing plugins and you will be redirected to the plugin installation page where you can install any Plugin you want or you need.
Import Demo Data
Theme Activator added in order to import demo data (theme panel tab).
Theme License Activation
Important: New Theme Activator added in order to import demo data (theme panel tab). New "Demo_Data" folder from the package has been removed. Only automatic demo import will be used starting with this update. In case the automatic demo importer has issues on your installation, please contact our help team to provide the offline files for demo import.
This theme comes with an amazing built-in feature: One-Click-Install -> Possibility to import demo data of the theme with one click only, and make your site look 1:1 with our demo.
Sounds cool? How can I install the demo?
Go to your WordPress Admin Panel -> Numbat Theme Panel -> Demo Importer
Importing Revolution Slider Demo
Demo-sliders are located into the downloaded package from themeforest
(*) - The sliders are automatically imported when the Demo Importer is fired. After completing the import the site will contain all demo data + revolution sliders
Theme Panel
If you want to change the general Options of the Theme, go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard Area to Cryptic Theme Panel. Here you have a tabbed Navigation where you can change a lot of Options of your new Theme:
General Settings
Back to Top Button
Page Preloader
Styling Settings
Global Fonts
Skin colors
Nav Menu
Responsive Typography
Shop Settings
Crypto Tools
Header Settings
Header - General
Logo & Favicon
Fixed Sidebar Menu
Footer Settings
Footer Top Rows
Footer Bottom Bar
Contact Settings
Blog Settings
Blog Archive
Single Post
Social Media Settings
Social Media
Floating Social Button
MT Listings Settings
Single Listing Page
Demo Importer
Import / Export
Feature: Page Preloader
Option Type: Theme Panel Option - To access this option and add new custom css to your website go to Theme Panel(General Settings Tab)
1. Enable Page Preloader - Disable or Enable the preloader on all over the site;
2. Page Preloader Background - Background color of the preloader(not the animation);
3. Preloader color - Animation color of the preloader;
4. Preloader Animation - Our theme comes with 20x default preloader animations;
Feature: Google Fonts
Option Type: Theme Panel Option - To access this option and add new custom css to your website go to Theme Panel(Styling Settings Tab)
1. Why use this tool?
Possibility to add unlimited Fonts to your website;
Option Type: Theme Panel Option - To access this option and add new custom css to your website go to Theme Panel(Styling Settings Tab)
1. Body Font family - Change the main font family from the site(Will be applied to all elements from the site which don't have a font-family css rule applied);
2. Heading H1 Font family - Change the font family, font-size, line-height and letter spacing of Heading H1;
3. Heading H2 Font family - Change the font family, font-size, line-height and letter spacing of Heading H2;
4. Heading H3 Font family - Change the font family, font-size, line-height and letter spacing of Heading H3;
5. Heading H4 Font family - Change the font family, font-size, line-height and letter spacing of Heading H4;
6. Heading H5 Font family - Change the font family, font-size, line-height and letter spacing of Heading H5;
7. Heading H6 Font family - Change the font family, font-size, line-height and letter spacing of Heading H6;
8. Inputs Font family - Set the font family for inputs and textareas;
9. Buttons Font family - Set the font family for buttons;
Beginning with theme version 2.0, the user dashboard have 4 new features integrated to help clients be up to date with the latest Crypto news and information.
Submit ICO
Allow your users to submit their personal ICO by completing the available form. Edit the fields by going at the following path in the theme's files : wp-content/plugins/modeltheme-listings-manager/inc/metaboxes/metaboxes.php beginning with line : 1402.
Bitcoin Explorer
The easiest way to explore Bitcoin Addresses, Hashes and Transactions codes with only one click.
Currency Exchange
A real-time exchange calculator to help clients get an idea at what prices they can purchase the ICOs.
Bitcoin Live Prices
Both widgets are embedded from the official Bitcoin website displaying the latest price changes.
Import Demo Data
This theme comes with an amazing built-in feature: One-Click-Install -> Possibility to import demo data of the theme with one click only, and make your site look 1:1 with our demo.
Sounds cool? How can I install the demo?
Go to your WordPress Admin Panel -> Cryptic Theme Panel -> Demo Importer
Feature: Page/Post Metaboxes
Option Type: Page/Post Metaboxes(not theme panel options) - To deal with these options, when editing a post/page you will get a set of options as follows:
Custom Header Options
1. Rewrite Theme Options? - Rewrite the options from the Theme Panel (Default OFF - get theme options);
2. Header Custom background color? - Set a custom background color for Header on the current post/page;
3. Main Color - Set a custom main color for Header on the current post/page;
4. Main hover color - Set a custom main hover color for Header on the current post/page;
5. Semi Transparent Header? - Activate the background of the header to semi transparent (The next 2 options can be used only with this option Enabled);
6. Semi Transparent Header Opacity - Set the background opacity of the header;
7. Semi Transparent Header Opacity (After Scroll) - Set the background opacity of the header after scroll (works when fixed header is active);
8. Select Revolution Slider - Set a custom Revolution Slider for the current page/post;
10. Page top/bottom spacing - Choose between next options:
High Padding - Adds a 80 pixels on top-bottom sides of the main page div;
No Padding - Removes all padding from main page div;
No Padding top - Adds a 80 pixels on top sides of the main page div;
No Padding bottom - Adds a 80 pixels on bottom sides of the main page div;
11. Body Background - Set the Background color for the body
12. Disable Page Preloader - Enable or Disable the preloader on current page/post;
13. Page Preloader Background Color - Set a custom background color to page preloader;
Custom Footer Options
14. Disable Footer Row #1 - Status - Check to disable footer row 1 (if enabled from Theme Panel);
15. Disable Footer Row #2 - Status - Check to disable footer row 2 (if enabled from Theme Panel);
16. Disable Footer Row #3 - Status - Check to disable footer row 3 (if enabled from Theme Panel);
17. Disable Footer Bottom Bar - Check to disable footer bottom copyright bar
MT Widgets
Cryptic Theme comes with a lot of custom widgets which can be found in your WordPress Admin Area under Appearance > Widgets.
MT Shortcodes
Cryptic comes with WPBakery Page Builder Plugin included, so any customer of the theme can use this amazing drag and drop page builder.
Besides default WPBakery Page Builder shortcodes, Cryptic comes with +30 custom shortcodes.
Cryptic comes a huge list of shortcodes integrated directly into WPBakery Page Builder Plugin
Theme Support
You get free 6 month support with this item. If you need some help or found a bug or issue with the theme, you can always contact us here via email and we will respond to you within 1 day.
If you want to send us a message with an issue or a questions, you can reach us at Ticksy to submit a ticket.